Our Services


Do you need routine lawn maintenance? As one of the best-established Lawn and Landscape Services companies in the Atlanta area, Perfect Leaf Management offers top Lawn Maintenance and Treatment services to you. Whether you have dry patches, a problem with moss, or a pest intruding on your lawn, you don’t have to worry. We have various lawn treatments to solve your problem.

Perfect Leaf Management Lawn Services experts will transform your yard into a curbside attraction by carefully grooming your lawn. Caring for a lawn can be exhausting and takes a lot of time to maintain a full green lawn and professionally pruned shrubs. That’s why we have many satisfied clients throughout the Atlanta area. Our lawn experts are here to assist you to keep your property in top shape throughout the year.

We maintain lawns by using eco-friendly products with the combination of bio-nutrients, fertilizers, and weed control products to help ensure your grass gets the appropriate nutrition it needs. The secret to a healthy and beautiful lawn is tackling the right problem at the right time. 


During the Spring and Summer seasons, the lawn is actively growing and will require special care. Both Spring and Summer require specific maintenance, primarily in watering, fertilizers, and herbicides. If you neglect spring and summer lawn care, you could end up paying for it the rest of the year because your lawn will lose its “shine.” The special needs of your lawn include:

    It starts with a quick spring clean-up. Dead grasses and dead remnants of annual grassy weeds like Crabgrass, Barnyard Grass, and Goosegrass are to be raked out. Any sticks or debris that has accumulated on the lawn over winter is to be picked out.
    This is the most time-consuming lawn care task over the spring and summer months. Mowing keeps the lawn in steady good health. It’s important to note that there are mowing frequencies and heights recommended for spring and summer. In spring you mow high. Cutting high encourages grass to grow thicker with deeper roots which in turn helps to crowd out weeds
    Spring is a wonderful time to work through your moss problems. Moss is a problem caused by wet, poorly drained lawns. The presence of moss is also a result of compaction. You can conduct a successful moss eradication as long as you understand that moss is not just another weed and therefore should not be treated as such.
    Fertilizer can help your lawn grow lush, green, and beautiful, but if not applied appropriately, it could damage your lawn and require professional help. Proper application of herbicides will control undesirable vegetation. Perfect Leaf Management is here to assist you in selecting the proper treatment such as:    –Spring pre-emergent to prevent summer crabgrass, poanna, grassy, and broadleaf spring weeds.

    Mid-Spring Fertilizer for root activation and development
    Late-Spring Post Emergent to spot spray for broadleaf weeds
    Pre-Summer irrigation
    Summer core aeration and overseeding

    Repairing spots in the lawn. It’s best to aim for an early spring sowing for cool-season grass and a late spring sowing for warm-season grass. Overseeding as necessary will always be the best option for the areas where the grass is growing sparsely. However, in general, spring is not really the best time to overseed a lawn as the best time is Fall when new shoots of grass won’t have to compete with other established grasses.
    This step is particularly necessary during summer because of the hot Georgia weather. To keep the plant life healthy and grass green and thriving, it needs to be provided with at least one inch of water per week during the summer season. A properly installed and maintained irrigation system is your best bet. The best time for irrigation is always early in the morning between 6 – 10 a.m. This is to minimize water loss and evaporation.

You can take advantage of the cool fall weather to fertilize, control weeds and improve the health and appearance of your yard.

    If you mowed higher during the summer and spring, you might want to consider mowing lower for fall. Cutting your lawn slightly shorter in the autumn helps prevent the grass from matting down under fallen leaves and snow. In snow-prone areas, a final mowing on the short side helps to avoid snow mold on grass come spring.
    Aeration helps reduce thatch, improves drainage, and loosens the soil, therefore, improving the health of your lawn. Proper aeration insures the roots are able to receive proper nutrients and water. In early fall, its recommended to aerate cool-season grasses.
    Fall is the best time to fertilize cool-season grass. You can give your grass a good head start by using Perfect Leaf Management’s fall lawn services.
    -Fall soil test, PH nutrients application
    –Mid-Fall Soil; seeding and core aeration
    -Fall pre-emergent prevention for winter broadleaf weeds
    -Fall PH balanced nutrient applied to the soil
    -Late fall-winter fertilizer soil recovery
    Fall is a good time to consider sowing grass seed in patchy or sparse areas of your lawn. Without proper seeding,  seeds won’t germinate and will not properly cover an area.
    When leaves fall on your lawn, they block sunlight and can prevent grass from growing. Additionally, the clumpy and soggy moisture leaves hold can lead to lawn fungi. You need to start raking on a regular schedule to maintain the health of your lawn.


A lawn does not require much care in the winter. It is usually when you can spend less time worrying about of your lawn’s appearance and maintenance. However, there are few things you can do even during the winter that can help in maintaining your lawn.

Winter is another good season to fertilize cool-season grasses. Winter would be a good time to give your lawn a thorough feeding to replace all the nutrients that can be lost from the soil during the hot summer. The fertilizer will remain in the soil and feed your lawn’s roots all through the winter season. Some of Perfect Leaf Management Winter Treatments include:

Winter PH nutrients application
-Winter fungus application
Pre-Winter pre-emergent prevention of spring grassy weeds


When the lawn is very low, it can be easy for people to forget that it shouldn’t be walked on. Try to limit traffic on your winter lawn. The grass is naturally resilient but it would be having a difficult time growing back when it is too worn out. Never park a car on your lawn. Even the smallest of cars can damage a lawn.

When tending to your lawn proves to be too difficult and time-consuming, contact Perfect Leaf Management and we will give you the proper lawn care plan. Our Lawn Experts are equipped to tackle all of your lawn problems with ease. We also offer solutions to stubborn weeds on your driveway or patio. If you want a reliable, certified, and highly capable lawn service company, look no further. PERFECT LEAF MANAGEMENT IS HERE FOR YOU!

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